There is a long standing rumor that college students are poor. I no longer know if this is true anymore. The longest lines on campus are to our local coffee spots. I'd be hypocritical if I didn't admit that I myself am amongst this group lining up for a cup of overpriced joe or a smoothie. Thing is, you'll only see me there shortly after payday, when I'm still on the fresh high that only a fresh paycheck can give me. However, I constantly see people coming in every day for their cup of coffee. They can't help but grin as they fork over their five bucks. Let's not forget our Chinese food stand, which comes in at a good six bucks per meal. At least the portions are big. In fact, seems to me as if the vast majority of meal or drink options on campus can get pretty costly. Heck, even a bottle of soda will push you back a buck twenty-five. And, don't even think about getting a cup of coke from the fountain, thanks to abusers we're no longer granted free refills. So I can't help but wonder, what of us that come from the more traditional "I might be able to afford ramen tonight, hooray!" crowd? There really isn't much for us. There are, of course, options. I don't honestly recommend them. Krystal's is the first one that will spring from the lips of your fellow students. It can be cheap - if you can stomach it. I won't knock the food tastes of my fellow KSU students, but the mere thought of a grease-soaked burger there makes me want to hurl. And really, though individually each one of those tiny burgers might be quite the frugal purchase, it takes a lot of those diminutive buggers to really polish off an honest appetite. Our next choice is vending machine food. They have quite a bit of appeal, seeing as it's hard to walk five feet on campus without running in to one. However, we've come across yet another health hazard. A bear claw may indeed be quite tasty, I do indeed savor the flavor, but it does pack on the carbs. Plus, I don't know who's stocking the chips in these vending machines, but three chips aren't going to hold me over. Still, so far that strawberry covered pop tart is your best bet. Next we have donuts. I'm beginning to see a pattern, and I see what they are doing. I see they are trying to create a model society on campus by killing off us poor folk by calorie intake. Still, the campus donuts are pretty fresh, it's hard to turn down - plus, you can get enough donuts to fill your breakfast needs for under two bucks. Score. Finally, we have the fresh fruit option. While I love fruit, and believe strongly in the wonders in the angular beauty of our food pyramid, an apple is not dinner. Unless you hate yourself, then, by all means. The easiest answer, really, or bring in your own food. I try to bag it myself, as that tends to be my best choice. Still, there is something to be said about catering to the tail end. I have to wonder if a more frugal option were to present itself on campus how it would fare. Or, perhaps, the days of students who revel in their own poverty is ending. I know I will continue to brown bag it until pay day, and then smile as I down my venti mocha latte.